A Grace for Greater Discernment and Wisdom

As I was worshiping The Lord, these words began to pour from my heart:
Jesus, Your name is like honey on my lips…
JESUS – JESUS – JESUS, I love you!
I pour out my love and my “yes” to You, before You even speak. You are worthy of my trust; you are worthy of my ALL. I say “yes”, as I enter in to the secret place, desiring to find a deeper intimacy and a greater knowing of
YOU – my One and Only.
And I know that You will always meet me there and draw me closer as I say, “yes”.
I am holy and I am worthy of ALL[1] of the praise and honor and glory. I am calling My Bride to humbly bow before Me and seek Me, that I might show her where she is praising, honoring, and glorifying the things of the earth – the enemy’s counterfeits of My original holy works and plans. These counterfeits are traps, set by the enemy to lure My Bride into idolatry and harlotry[2].
Even as the enemy is enticing My Bride away from Me, she is not recognizing it. Consequently, she is now caught up, unaware, in the seduction of the wrong, evil lover: the deceiver, masquerading as light[3], while in reality being pure evil and darkness. He has blindfolded My Bride through manipulation and deception, and enticed her into his tent within his camp. His evil works are disguised and hidden by a superficial twisted cloak that appears good.
The “product” – the ideologies, the agendas, etc. – that the enemy is hawking are all a twisted, contaminated counterfeit of the real thing! Take notice of the “tags” sewn in to each “product”. Does it say, “Made in Heaven” or does it say, “Made in Hell”? The identifying “tags” must be searched out within the “product” to discover the origin of its creation. Where was it conceived and birthed? What is underneath the shiny surface?
So how can you have eyes to clearly see the “tags” that identify the origin of the things that you encounter in this world?
Through heavenly discernment[4] and wisdom working together in tandem, I will give you pinpoint vision to identify what is from Me and what is from the enemy. This is crucial in these times of “deep darkness that covers the earth”[5] and it will protect you from being lured into the enemy’s camp; or worse, into his tent.
You cannot just rely on your own natural mind to “wisely” perceive and judge the obscure things of these times. Through deception and manipulation, the enemy is actively working to cast shadows and confusion; in order to divert you away from My holy path.
BUT I am offering My anointed, supernatural discernment and wisdom, which will raise you up above the muck; allowing you to see clearly the way forward. It will keep you in sync, in step, with Me, as you maneuver the pathways of your heavenly assignments. And the result: Heaven invades Earth!
In Hebrews 5:14, it says that those who are “trained by constant practice [of discernment] will distinguish good from evil.” Proverbs 2:1-5 states that as you search out and plant The Word deep in your heart, and incline your ear to wisdom, and cry out for discernment …”then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the discernment, understanding, and wisdom of God.”
Through this fresh outpouring of discernment and wisdom, you will not only have eyes to see the enemy’s plans, but you will also have eyes to see MY plans. Together, WE will usher My Kingdom to earth in greater and greater measure; destroying the illuminated works of the enemy, and releasing My will over the earth. But you must intentionally set your eyes only on Me. As you place your complete focus and energy directly on Me, rather than on the problem – the enemy’s plans to steal, kill and destroy – I will give you Kingdom strategies and I will “strengthen you with all might”[6] to bring you into ALL of the Victories.
Make the constant choice to be continually shifting your focus away from the negative aspects of the issues before you, so that no hopelessness and discouragement is allowed to overtake you and steer you into the enemy’s camp of fear and paralysis. But instead, fix your eyes – your focus and attention – onto My Face, My proven character, and My promises; standing in and declaring My Goodness OVER the problems. And then, watch what I will do!
My High Calling for My Ecclesia:
Search out the hidden treasures that I have placed before you by devoting time to be with Me. And as you do, My promise is that you will find those treasures. You will gain the treasures of discernment and wisdom.
There is a grace right now that I am pouring out for discernment and wisdom, the likes of which you have never experienced or even imagined before. And it is fully available to My Holy Ones who have chosen to go through the fire of purification with Me; those who now stand before Me proclaiming their “yes”.
Seek it and you will find it. Knock and the door will be opened. I am opening the door and leading you down a new and weightier path of purified discernment and wisdom. I will show you things that you could have never fathomed in your flesh. And then, I will give you heavenly wisdom to know what to do with what I have revealed to you. I am forming a Company of Issachars, who understand and discern these times, and have the wisdom to know what God’s Ecclesia is to do[7].
Holiness is the key to walking in this greater anointing of discernment and wisdom. I can only disclose the deep and hidden things to those that I can trust. Purity, consecration, holiness: these are key to coming up higher in Me, where I will share My secrets and heavenly classified intel with you.
Always remember: This is for MY great glory and honor and praise; not yours. Therefore, you must remain humble and pliable in the Potter’s hands. As you surrender to the fire of purification and to the Potter’s wheel, I will form you into the perfect, complete, mature, holy vessel that is standing before Me with your “yes”. And with your “yes”, I will use you in My mighty cosmic[8] plans to make the earth look like heaven. Believe for that, because NOTHING is impossible for your Great God!
[1] All means ALL.
[2] Idolatry- Merriam Webster Dictionary: immoderate attachment or devotion to something
Harlotry – Strong’s: temple prostitution
[3] See 2 Corinthians 11:14.
[4] Discern – Strong’s: distinguishing; to perceive, to see, to have vision, to know
Merriam Webster Dictionary – the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure; an act of perceiving something
[5] See Isaiah 60:2.
[6] Colossians 1:11 “Strengthened with all might [Strong’s- Dunamis: power], according to his glorious [Strong’s- magnificent, belonging to God] power [Strong’s- force, strength, might].”
[7] See 1 Chronicles 12:32. The sons of Issachar understood [discerned] the times and they knew what Israel should do [wisdom].
[8] Cosmic - characterized by greatness especially in extent, intensity, or comprehensiveness
Until next time...