Elite Special Forces

While worshiping and sitting at the feet of Jesus, a song (verse) came into my mind:
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain…to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength, honor and glory and blessings. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.[1]
He is now seated on The Throne!
Thank You, Jesus, that You willingly and obediently went to the Cross; so that we, rather than being eternally condemned to utter darkness and separation from The Father, can instead come boldly into Your Throne Room and approach Your Throne of Grace[2] with confidence to find… Your mercy, Your grace, Your love, Your answers, Your provisions, Your healing, Your power, Your character, Your purification, Your cleansing, Your goodness, Your solutions, Your plans, Your direction, Your peace, Your hope… in our time of need. Thank You for your constant love and faithfulness to us. You are worthy of it ALL!
As I bowed before Him, I heard Him say to His Holy Ones:
Well done, My good and faithful beloved ones. Because you have been faithful with what I have put in your hands, I am expanding it and bringing you into more. I am bringing you higher; I am bringing you up into My special forces unit. I am calling up My obedient, faithful, surrendered remnant to this elite unit, where the assignments are more complex and appear to be more “dangerous”, requiring great faith that I will do what I have said I will do. In these endeavors with Me, the “risk” from a fleshly perspective will be greater than ever before; but the heavenly reward will be even greater.
These missions will require the pinpoint precision and skillful expertise that can only be developed from having gone through the fire with Me. Your faithfulness throughout the intensity of the fire has forged a deep work of purification in you, leading to greater degrees of: holiness, wisdom, faith, steadfast obedience, and perseverance in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances. Through the fire, I was building you into My Elite Special Forces Unit.
You have learned to confess and release your fears to Me, choosing instead to walk in outrageous faith that moves mountains. Well done, My good and faith remnant. I have prepared you, and now I am calling you up to partner with Me in the kingdom exploits of this era. You were born for this![3] Never doubt that you will successfully accomplish the tasks set before you; because those I call, I also equip. And I will be with you wherever I lead you.
What I have built in you through the fire has made you worthy to carry the torch into the coming battles and assignments. Remember that these battles are MINE[4]; therefore, I will accomplish the victories. I am calling you to step out and do whatever I lead you to do; regardless of whether it makes sense or if you feel you have what it takes. You have ME, so you have what it takes! Your “Yes” will usher you into the victory.
I am not looking for talent or even giftedness. I am looking for humble, obedient, faithful, surrendered ones who have gone through the fire with Me. You cannot conceive of all that has been built in you, and purged from you, through the work of My fire. The outworking, the end product, of this fire – the purified gold within you – will be displayed as you say “Yes” and step into the new assignments I am giving you.
For those who have not taken My hand and allowed me to lead and carry you through the fire, but who have instead gone your own way in your own strength; it is not too late! As you choose to lay down your life in order to lay hold of Me – My love, My mercy, My grace, My ways – while taking up your cross to follow Me, I will bring you into all that I have promised.
My Wind!... My Wind, which is the demonstration of My sovereign authority, power, and plans over the earth for these times, is carrying these Elite Special Force assignments. Call forth My Wind; and it will come from where you do not expect it. Call it forth from the North, the South, the East and the West.[5] My Wind, carrying My new assignments, will not come from where you expect it; so, do not allow your fleshly expectations to limit you. Expect to be surprised; then, embrace and be wide open to the surprise. Call My Wind forth from the unexpected and unanticipated direction, place, and angles.
My Wind is blowing, and it is filled with heaven’s revelatory plans and strategies – the new assignments – that will bring about breakthrough over My earth. You were born for such a time as this. Choose faith, say “Yes”; and you will march with Me straight into the Victories!
In worship, after having received this word the prior day, it was declared that we were standing on Holy Ground. As we corporately engaged and agreed that this word was our true reality, I began to see that the ground we were standing on had turned to flames. The floor of the entire sanctuary was burning, with flames that rose to about knee high.
Then, I watched in the Spirit as various unidentified ones were completely overcome by the fire; it rose up around them and then went over them. The flames completely consumed and covered over their human appearance and identities. I heard Holy Spirit say:
The true reality of these fully surrendered ones is that of being a “burning man”[6], to carry My fire throughout the world. These holy burning men (and women) are now My anointed torches to light the way and usher My glory into the battles and new assignments.
[1] Revelation 5:12
[2] See Hebrews 4:16.
[3] See Esther 4:14.
[4] 1 Samuel 17:47 [When David stood before the giant, Goliath, with a stone and a sling] … “know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you [Goliath] into our hands.”
[5] Excerpts taken from What Are The Four Winds In The Bible?
The four winds can represent both blessing and judgment coming from all directions under God’s sovereign control.
In Jeremiah 49:36, God declares through the prophet: “I will bring against Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven; I will scatter them to the four winds, and there will not be a nation where Elam’s exiles do not go.”
This passage depicts the four winds as forces God can summon to scatter a nation in judgment.
Daniel 7:2 states: “Daniel declared, ‘In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea.'”
Here, the four winds stir up the sea, representing how God’s sovereignty rules over the chaos and turmoil of the world.
In Zechariah’s vision in 6:1-8, four chariots pulled by colored horses go out from between two bronze mountains after the four winds of heaven are released.
This symbolizes four spirits going out on God’s mission according to His will, [following the release of the 4 winds].
Revelation 7:1 reads: “After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.”
Here, the four winds depict destructive judgments being held back until God’s servants can be sealed.
In the Bible, the four winds often symbolize the breadth of God’s sovereign reach over the whole earth and His control over the nations. The passages depict the four winds as forces unleashed to scatter nations, churn up the sea, carry out God’s will, and bring judgments. They show that all things, even chaotic, are under God’s authority.
[6] Holy Spirit immediately contrasted His holy burning man to the counterfeit work of satan at the annual burning man festival, where witchcraft and depravity run amuck. This event is interestingly located in the DESERT of BLACK ROCK City, Nevada.
Until next time...