From Plateau to Holy Pass to Promised Land

On a recent trip to the Desert Southwest, Rob and I were struck by the landscape and scenery of our country that we had never seen before. As we drove across the Taos Plateau in New Mexico, where huge formidable mountains completely encircle this expansive flatland, The Lord began to talk to me about this prophetic picture.
Below are some definitions that help to understand the things He was highlighting:
(noun) – A largely level expanse of land at a high elevation.
(verb) – to reach a state or level of little or no growth or decline, especially to stop increasing or progressing; to level off
Mountain Pass-
A mountain pass is a navigable route through a mountain range or over a ridge. A mountain pass is typically created by erosion from water or wind.
A pass is a break in high, rugged terrain such as a mountain ridge. It forms when a stream erodes the land between areas of higher terrain. Passes often provide the easiest routes for people to travel across steep mountain ranges.
Most passes are flat at their summits.
Often, passes sit just above the source of a river fed by precipitation and snowmelt.
I heard The Lord say:
The plateau represents My people who have followed Me to this point; those who have risen to a level of high elevation in Me. But sadly, many of them have plateaued. They have levelled off and stopped growing and increasing in knowing Me intimately – knowing My presence and My power. They have become satisfied with where they are; no longer pressing to go higher and deeper in Me. In many cases, fear of the unknown that lies ahead in these times has hindered their desire to go the distance with Me, requiring that they walk in fully surrendered faith and trust in Me.
In this world, there are and will be formidable “mountains” surrounding and overwhelming My people. These mountains are impassable and uncrushable without dedicated pursuit and discovery of My supernaturally created mountain passes. As My Holy Ones choose to once again lay down their lives in complete, unreserved surrender, submission, obedience, and holiness, they will discover that the flow of My River of Life — My River of Living Water – has created a pass through these mountains. This pass provides My precise pathway of safe passage to the summit, where My victory will be displayed. From there, this holy pass will lead My Faithful Ones to the other side, into My promises— into the land of milk and honey[1].
Remember that there is no mountain that has ever been erected, or that ever will be erected, that I cannot pass straight through to the other side. My Faithful Sons and Daughters will speak to the mountains[2] and command them to be moved, as My River of Life, of Living Water, passes straight through them.
To My Faithful Holy Ones who continue to pursue Me with all of their hearts:
I have anointed and called you to be My emissaries[3]. You will be My agents[4] to represent Me with all of the authority of heaven, as WE force our way through these otherwise impenetrable mountains. You will victoriously complete your assignments with all of the dunamis[5] power imparted to you through My Holy Spirit.
You will be unstoppable, undeterred, and unbreakable. On these missions, you will plant and set off heavenly explosives; you will set the mountains ablaze with My holy fire; you will be My holy bulldozers. You will forge[6] through the hard, thick stones erected by a culture of sin, defiance of Me, and alliance with the enemy. As you choose My pass, I will use you to carry My torch and march straight through the enemy’s camp and fortresses, bringing holy destruction to the pridefully and arrogantly built idols and strongholds that the sinful world has partnered with the enemy to establish.
Do not fear the enemy’s retaliation. Do not fear the enemy’s power. You carry the dunamis power of heaven through the Spirit of God Almighty who lives within you. I will use you to demolish everything that gets between you and My plans and My promises; so that you will see… My kingdom come on the earth and My will done, making the earth look just like heaven[7].
I have not forgotten My promises of abundant, purposeful, power-filled life for you. I have not forgotten My promises of My presence, My protection, My goodness, My love, and My blessings over you. I have not forgotten My promises of My direction, My equipping, and My enabling for every assignment I give you.
Open your eyes and look for Me. Seek Me and you will find Me. And in finding Me, you will also find My holy pass, leading you into the fulfillment of My victories and promises in your own life and in the world around you. You can trust Me to do this, because I am always faithful and I am always true. I will go before you and I will be with you; I will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid[8].
You are My chosen generation; a royal priesthood to minister to Me. As you minister to Me, you will be filled and empowered to go out and minister to this dark world. You are My Holy Ones, who I have called out of darkness and into My marvelous light[9]. Resist the temptation to remain on the plateau, settling for what is comfortable, safe, and familiar. Take a chance and step forward with Me, and I will reveal Myself to you like never before. You will come to know Me in ways that you never imagined. And you will discover My pass, which runs straight through every obstacle and hindrance that the enemy has built around you, in an attempt to hold back My Kingdom on the earth.
Remember, I have called you out of the darkness and into My marvelous light. You will be My pioneers[10] in these times, discovering and preparing the way in The Light for those who will follow behind you. You will lead them out of the darkness, and into My light-filled holy pass; thus, ushering them into the breakthrough of the enemy’s dark established strongholds which have kept them from choosing Me. Your faithfulness in partnering with Me to force OUR way through the mountains will result in the promised Great Harvest of Souls being escorted into My promises of eternal and abundance life in My presence.
Breakthrough into the promises is here at the Holy Pass!
[1] Leviticus 20:24 “But I said to you, ‘You will possess their land; I will give it to you as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey.’ I am the Lord your God, who has set you apart from the nations.”
[2] Mark 11:23 “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”
[3] Emissary – “An agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another.”
Ephesians 1:1 (The Voice) “Paul, an emissary of Jesus the Anointed, directly commissioned as His representative by the will of God….”
[4] Agent – “One empowered to act for or represent another.”
[5] Dunamis “represents the kind of power that is an inherent force. It flows from a person to give them the ability to do supernatural things, like miracles or morally excellent acts.”
(Strong’s) - strength, power, ability
a. inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth
b. power for performing miracles
c. moral power and excellence of soul
d. the power and influence which belong to riches and wealth
e. power and resources arising from numbers
f. power consisting in or resting upon armies, forces, hosts
[6] Forge – “to move forward slowly and steadily; to move with a sudden increase of speed and power”
[7] See Matthew 6:10.
[8] Deuteronomy 31:8.
[9] See 1 Peter 2:9.
[10] Pioneer – “one who opens or prepares for others to follow; one of the first to settle in a territory”
Until next time...