His Eyes and His Face Are IN The Fire

While corporately worshiping Yahweh – The King of Glory, Our Savior and Redeemer…
I saw His fire, and it was consuming and completely engulfing many in the room. Then I saw that the “width” of this consuming fire around each one had expanded, filling the atmosphere all around them. It was like an engulfing, rising water; but instead of water, it was fire.
I heard The Lord say…Width AND Breadth: The reach of My consuming fire is expanding in width and in breadth[1], as My Beloved worship Me in Spirit and in Truth.
As His people offer Him the pure sacrifice of praise and worship, He is expanding the width of the consuming fire that each one carries to impact their own atmospheres and their spheres of influence. At the same time, as His Body comes together to pour out pure honor, exaltation, praise, and worship to Him, He is also releasing a greater and greater breadth of His fire to cleanse and purify the world on an expansive scale. He is allowing and inviting His Holy Bride to participate with Him in releasing His Holy Fire over the earth!
As I intentionally looked into and through the all-consuming fire that was surrounding me, I saw the eyes of Jesus looking straight back at me. As I stared into His eyes, His face came into view and I could see Him more clearly than I have ever seen Him before. His eyes were made of fire, yet they were also eyes of pure love, pure hope, pure kindness. They were not anxious or perplexed, but full of hope and goodness and light and life. There was a profound peace in His eyes of fire.
And His face...His face was strong and ferocious, like that of a Mighty Victorious Warrior; but it was also beautiful, gentle, warm, and loving. I could not resist His gaze; I could not take My eyes off of Him. He spoke words of love and delight over me, while simultaneously speaking words of instruction and direction.
Within the fire is His love. Within the fire is His power. Within the fire is His purification.
AND within the fire is His instruction, His strategy, His warning, and His directive to go (or to not go) down specific pathways. How? Where? When? What? Who? These are the questions He is desiring that His Holy Ones ask of Him in these times within the fire. And He will answer.
Holy Spirit then brought into my inner vision the face of a grandmother and I knew that He was drawing my focus to the cleansing and healing of generational lines… generation after generation of lost, hurting, wounded, impoverished, deceived people. The image shifted and I could see the face of His Holy Faithful Bride, who through the fire has been anointed with the oil of His suffering AND of His glorious presence and power. Through both the sufferings and the glory that reside within His fire, His Bride’s face has been prepared. It is now set like flint[2] … To GO – to go to the lost; to go to the hungry; to go to the hurting; to go to the wounded; to go to confused, manipulated, and deceived… To GO and to Shine Like The Sun/Son[3]!
The face of His Holy Bride has been anointed to shine like the Son over and into the lives of those who are very different from Her; those who oppose Her and speak all manner of evil against Her[4]. The anointing of Her face carries healing; it carries the solutions and provisions of heaven for salvation, restoration, new life. Her face is anointed to shine brightly, so that all the world will see HIS Light[5] through Her.
The enemy is working to have The Bride of Christ shrink back in fear and discouragement over what is happening across the world. But no matter the intensity of the fire that is poured out over the earth, His Holy Ones are anointed to face it head on and shine like the Son. As His Purified Bride embraces and stands in this holy position and posture of facing the fire head on, with eyes fixed on the eyes and the face of Jesus… the glorious Light emanating from Her will release heaven over the earth…heaven’s answers, heaven’s salvation, heaven’s remedies, heaven’s strategies, heaven’s finished work of The Cross.
The fire of God is on the anointed faces of His Holy Ones, enabling Her to bear[6] the fire for all the world to see. And HIS eyes will shine through Her eyes… eyes that have beheld[7] Him; drawing the hearts of mankind to their Savior and Lord.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!!
Step in:
Sit with Jesus in the secret place and ask Him to purify you of anything that is not of Him; anything that is not pleasing to Him. Allow Him to bring those things up to you and then confess them and repent (turn and go the other way). Now place these forgiven sins on the altar to be burned up in the fire.
Spend time in true worship of Him, pouring out your love and worship and praise and adoration over Him, The Lover of Your Soul! Sing out the greatness and power and love and faithfulness of your God!
In that place of worshiping Him and true surrender, give Him permission to consume and overtake you with His all-consuming fire.
Now, with His fire engulfing you, look deeply into and through the fire, seeking His eyes and His face. If you don’t see it, use your God-given, holy, surrendered imagination and look again. He desires to show Himself to you and He will bless your surrender.
While looking into His face, into His eyes, allow Him to speak and to pour out over you.
You are His “holy burning man” to carry His fire to the lost world!
[1] Breadth and Width: He led me to look up the meanings and the differences between these 2 words:
“Breadth is a synonym of width, but there are subtle distinctions between breadth and width.
Whereas width is used for the side-to-side extent of things of all sizes, breadth is generally reserved for things whose spans are especially large. For instance, rooms and streets are often described in terms of width, while hurricanes and large geographical features such as plains and deserts are often described in terms of breadth.”
[2] Isaiah 50:7 “For the Lord God will help Me; therefore, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set My face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed.”
[3] Matthew 13:43 “Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”
Matthew 17:2 “and He [Jesus] was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.”
Daniel 12:3 “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament. And those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”
Malachi 4:2 “…. But to you who fear My name, The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.”
[4] Matthew 5:11 “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.”
[5] Matthew 5:16 (AMP) “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and moral excellence, and [recognize and honor and] glorify your Father who is in heaven.”
[6] To Bear: to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant; to be responsible for something; to have or continue to have something; to hold or support something; to carry and move something to a place
[7] Beheld: to see, look upon, gaze at; to direct the eyes to, fix them upon, something
Until next time...