Jungle Warfare
Updated: Oct 14, 2024

Word to The Ecclesia:
We are living in a New Era, and The Lord is speaking “Now” words to His Bride, to His Ecclesia.
Sitting at the feet of The Lord, I heard Him say:
I am The Lord your God. There is no God besides Me[1]. I am the beginning and the end, the first and the last – the Alpha and the Omega. Are you getting it? I am it ALL; I am EVERYTHING! There is none besides Me. There is none more powerful than Me; none more beautiful than Me; none more mighty than Me. I reign over it all. It all belongs to Me, and I rule and reign over it ALL.
I will give you Kingdom authority to obtain Kingdom territory through Kingdom rule. As you give your all – everything – to Me, I will place My Kingdom into your hands to rule and reign as My Princes and Princesses, My sons and daughters, My heirs, who represent Me in the full authority of The King. I have given My signet ring to My Holy Ones to be used to carry out My edicts[2]; to enforce My rulership over the earth.
Listen closely and I will share My heart, My strategies, My plans, to redeem MY earth. Take down every word that I share with you, without carelessly losing a single word. I am speaking My precise plans and directions right now, for those who have ears to hear.
To those who are attuned and aligned with Me: I am leading you into Jungle Warfare.
He immediately reminded me of what He showed me during worship a few days earlier…
In worship, I heard the word “jungle”, and then I saw an aerial view of a very thick jungle. Jesus was standing at the outer left boundary of the jungle and He was leading His Holy Ones into it.
While looking at this image, I heard Him say:
I am calling you to engage in jungle warfare. This will be similar to the warfare engaged in during the Vietnam war, when the enemy was virtually impossible to recognize or find.
I began to recall how, in recent years, I have heard Holy Spirit say that His Holy Remnant had moved from ground warfare to air warfare, because He had taken us higher. As I pondered the fact that the depths of the jungle would not be visible from our current position “in the air”, He encouraged me that His Faithful Holy Ones have now gained the maturity, faith, and position to follow Him into the jungle, where He will give out new strategies and greater discernment into this jungle warfare.
The following day, I shared this word from The Lord with one of my sons. He proceeded to tell me about a conversation from the previous day with a co-worker from the Philippines. In their conversation, his co-worker described that the tall weeds/underbrush in her yard reminded her of the Philippines. She showed him a picture of her yard, in which this vegetation was taller than she was. My son told me that he immediately had a vision of a plane flying over her yard, dumping Agent Orange over this ground covering; killing it instantly.
It was no coincidence that this strategy for jungle warfare came up the day after Holy Spirit spoke this word to me. Though the term Agent Orange[3] conjures up memories of destruction and devastation in Vietnam to humans, land, and the environment, the Lord spoke to me that it symbolizes a strategy for these times:
Agent Orange:
Seated in heaven[4] as you rule and reign with Me from “the air”, I am now calling My Holy Ones to act as My Agents[5] on earth to release My Fire (symbolized by the color- Orange) over this jungle where I am leading. The target of this fire is the ground cover, the tall weeds, the underbrush – that which makes it hard, if not impossible, for My Holy Army to maneuver through and to take ground. This targeted fire will expose the enemy. It will root out the enemy from his hiding places and it will provide heavenly visibility to disclose the traps he has set for My people.
The Lord led me to do some research[6] into jungle warfare in the Vietnam War. From this, He pointed out these truths:
The jungle is currently enemy territory, and he is very familiar with the terrain and geography. He knows where to hide, where to set traps, where and how to harass, intimidate, and terrorize. As God’s Holy Army declares and decrees the release of God’s holy fire from heaven over this jungle, the obstacles, hindrances, and interferences will be burned away. His holy fire will leave behind a cleared pathway and heavenly visibility to see – to see in the natural and to see in the spiritual realm; thus, exposing the hidden works and plans of the enemy.
God’s Holy Army must be prepared through proper training. In jungle warfare, soldiers must be trained to know what to do in any scenario. They must be extremely disciplined and cannot lose their focus. For example, in the jungle, a soldier who gives in to exhaustion before first assessing the area, runs the great risk of falling asleep where swarms of venomous insects are present. A desperation for water could lead to carelessness, which could lead to cholera. Being built up in the fear, power, presence, strength, and discipline of the Lord prepares His Army of Light to remain laser sharp in their focus on Him and on His direction.
Without a compass or a map, it is easy to become disoriented in the jungle. Holy Spirit and The Word are the compass and map that guide and instruct God’s people into His anointed plans and paths. It is imperative that His Holy Ecclesia stays close and attentive to hearing what Holy Spirit is saying, while feeding on His Word. He will never lead where He has not already gone ahead, and He will always equip those He calls. He is out front – to lead, to protect, to instruct, and to clear the way for His Holy Army to come into what He is calling.
In the jungle, camouflage is imperative for maneuvering undetected by the enemy. Holy Spirit is the camouflage that covers over holy warriors, enabling stealthy infiltration into and out of the enemy’s camp at His command. Under His camouflage, His warriors can then perform their assigned strategic maneuvers, without the enemy even being aware of the invasion…until it is too late.
From: “Why the United States Lost the Vietnam War”[6]:
“The enemy used ambush and sabotage as its primary weapons. They stayed so close to the US military that it made it difficult to call in air support or artillery; thus, neutralizing one of the most powerful weapons in the US arsenal. Vietnamese referred to this as ‘Grab their belts to fight them.’”
But God! ... The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds[7]. We must put on the full armor of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil[8]. When properly girded[9] with the belt of truth – knowing His truth, standing in His truth, declaring & decreeing His truth – the enemy’s strategy of “Grab their belts to fight them” will be frustrated and rendered null and void. As we stand and move in sync – in synchronized step – with Jesus, through humble surrendered obedience, His glory will engulf us and overtake the atmosphere around us.
With this glory-pressure forcing the enemy away from us, he will then be exposed and positioned in the direct line of fire of the “Agent Orange” air strike – God’s Holy Targeted Fire – leading to the enemy’s obliteration.
In Vietnam, the US failed to win the hearts of the people of the region. There was a total lack of interest in keeping the locals safe. The promised Great Harvest of Souls is made up of those whose hearts must be won, in order to lead them to their Savior. Even while fighting the enemy in the jungle, God’s people must demonstrate His love for those in the mix of the battles. They are our “neighbors”[10]; for whom Jesus paid the ultimate price, in order that they too might have salvation through His work on The Cross. We must never forget that.
Like Abraham, we are being called to leave the “land of our fathers”[11], to go to THE Father’s Promised Land. This will mean journeying through unfamiliar, “distant”, uncomfortable territory (the jungle); but it will ultimately bring us into our ordained territory, where He has already written our names.
The King is leading His Agents, His Faithful Holy Army, to HIS Promised Land. To get there, we cannot stay up on the hilltop in the clearing, which feels safer and has a better vantage point to watch for the enemy. Rather, we must be willing to follow Him down into the valley where the jungle is, in order to root out and defeat the enemy.
As His Holy Army follows, He will lead us from Victory to Victory!
[1] See Isaiah 45:5.
[2] Edict- “A decree or proclamation issued by an authority and having the force of law. A formal pronouncement or command.”
[3] Agent Orange- “a chemical herbicide and defoliant used in the Vietnam War to defoliate the lush jungle that was providing cover for the Communist enemies”
[4] Ephesians 2:6 (Amplified) “And He raised us up together with Him [when we believed], and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, [because we are] in Christ Jesus….”
[5] Agent- “One empowered to act for or represent another.”
[6] The Art of War: Jungle Warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3mS_ToE6Os
Why the United States Lost the Vietnam War: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44sQV3x2FxE
[7] 2 Corinthians 10:4
[8] See Ephesians 6:10-18.
[9] Gird – “To encircle (a person or the part of the body) with a belt or band.”
To be girded with the belt of truth means to be encircled by it!
[10] Mark 12:31 “…Love your neighbor as yourself….”
[11] Genesis 12:1 (AMP) “Now [in Haran] the LORD had said to Abram, ‘Go away from your country, And from your relatives, And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you.’”
Until next time...