Pathway for God’s Ecclesia to Arise
Updated: Jun 20, 2024

For many years, The Lord has been speaking to me about the coming times, and about His
broken Church. In September 2023, I began to share some of these words from The Lord,
through weekly blogs that He entitled, “Ecclesia Arise!”. As I have scribed what I am hearing, I
have noted the constant theme of His passion for His Bride, His Ecclesia, to come up higher. No
more playing church. No more going through the motions. No more looking good on the
outside, but walking in darkness on the inside.
He has stated that there are no limits to how outrageously high and deep and wide He is willing
to fill us to overflowing with His Spirit, so that we can be vessels that pour His Spirit out into this
dark world. But His requirement for this outrageous outpouring is that His people lay down
their lives to the point of being crucified with Him – “it is no longer I that lives, but Christ who
lives in me”; in order that we may Arise in His resurrection power to transform the world.
The Lord has shaken me to the core, as He has shared with me His broken heart over His
adulterous Bride, who has given in to the lusts of the world and become one with the world. I
have heard the voice of Abba Father speak correction and admonish His Church, making it
unmistakably clear that He requires holiness in the deepest parts of our innermost being. This is
the only way for His Ecclesia to be the prepared, pure, spotless Bride that He can use in this
New Era.
It all starts with dying to self and allowing Him to cleanse us of our self-focus, our desire to be
admired, our desire to protect our reputations, our attachment to the world and its ways. We
must surrender to His ways and allow Him to make us holy, as He is holy. This can only come
through devoting ourselves to spending time with Him in the secret place and in His word. We
cannot conjure it up; it must come from being with Him, knowing Him and being known by Him.
From that place, His glory works to purify us; creating the space within us to carry His glory into
this dark world.
From there, we must be willing to step deeper into complete, unreserved obedience and
faithfulness to say and to do whatever He leads; regardless of the response we get from the
It is no longer the time to get ready; now is the time to BE READY! There is an urgency right
now to be ready; holiness and surrender are the requirement. We must be ready, because we
have entered into what He has defined as “A Time of War”, while continuing to walk in “A Time
of Peace WITH HIM.”
Though He has stated that this is a Time of War, I have also heard Him say:
It’s a New Day; The New Day is on the horizon! Declare it and call it forth.
There will be challenging times ahead; but, regardless of what you see with your natural
eyes, continue to declare, “The New Day is on the horizon!”
I am good and I am faithful; I will make everything NEW in its season. Through your
declarations, you are participating with heaven in ushering in the coming New Day!