Pierce the Darkness to See and Release The Victory

As I sat before The Lord, the words of this old hymn began to play through my mind:
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”
He then began to share with me a word for His Ecclesia:
Jesus is calling His Bride to look into His face; to look into the Light of His glory.
This is the position where God’s people are to remain: blinded by His light; blinded, and therefore, hindered from focusing on the darkness. With eyes fully transfixed[1] on His eyes, we gain the supernatural vision to see past the evil upheaval and depravity of the world. There, He enables us to see straight through the darkness into a higher heavenly dimension. For those who will say “yes” to Him, He is releasing the anointing and capacity to pierce through the darkness, in order to see beyond it into the awaiting heavenly solutions.
Too often, we stop short when looking at the things of earth; allowing our limited, worldly perspective to hold our gaze. Jesus is calling and equipping us to go higher. He is granting us the great honor and privilege of engaging our spiritual eyes at a level that is higher than anything we have seen up to this point. This in order that we may see further into His will, His plans, His path, His provisions, and His solutions. As we fix our eyes on Him, we have the profound opportunity to receive a greater measure of “eyes to see” for these times; eyes to see straight through the darkness, into what lies beyond this earthly realm. Looking through the darkness, straight into the eyes of Jesus, we are transformed by the revelation and wisdom of His perspective, His vision, and His plan. And He always has a plan! His victory is always there to be laid hold of and delivered into the darkest of scenarios.
We cannot look away from the devastation, destruction, corruption, and perversion that the enemy has spewed out and sown throughout the earth. Instead, we must pierce that darkness by looking straight through it; marching right through it down His path. From that position, we will encounter Jesus and discover His strategy for obtaining the victory.
Holy Spirit brought to my mind one of my favorite books that I read to our sons when they were children: Goin on a Bear Hunt. The repetitive line in the book that we would act out was… “We’re goin on a bear hunt; we’re gonna catch a big one. We’re not scared.” Then the family in the book would come upon an obstacle and they would say, “Can’t go over it. Can’t go under it. We’ll have to go through it!”
We are living in a time in which Jesus is calling and directing us to no longer go around the obstacles of darkness; but instead, to march straight through them. We are receiving the upgraded, new armor and weaponry necessary to boldly press straight into and through the territory that the enemy has claimed and overtaken.
The requirement is that our eyes must remain squarely fixed on Jesus, as we march directly down the strategic path that He illuminates. From that posture and position, His Ecclesia will carry the authority of The King to override[2] and overthrow[3] the power that the enemy has usurped. As we stand in the delegated authority given to us as His sons and daughters, we will reclaim what rightfully belongs to The King.
King Jesus has given His Faithful Holy Ones His signet ring. Therefore, whatever is decreed “in The King’s name and sealed with The King’s signet ring, no one can revoke[4].” Our mission is to call forth the destruction of the “evil decrees” that have been established[5] within the Mountains of Societal Influence[6]; declaring them null and void.
From this position of authority, we must declare the new and binding decrees[7]:
The vengeance of God is released on the enemy… and
The shift has occurred for the deliverance of all 7 Mountains of Societal Influence: the crushing of the enemy’s power and stronghold, followed by the proper submission to the authority and power of King Jesus.
Having been prepared through the previous season, His Holy Ones are now READY to take vengeance on the enemy[8]. We will have eyes to see the enemy and his work; nothing will be veiled or hidden as the Light of Jesus shines brightly to illuminate all darkness. And we will have eyes to see God’s heavenly provisions and solutions.
In these times when the enemy has planned to overpower us, the opposite will occur…we will overpower the enemy[9] …through the holy decrees given us by The King, which are covered by the powerful blood of Jesus.
[1] Transfixed – “to be held motionless by; to be pierced through with”
[2] To Override- “to prevail over; to set aside by virtue of superior authority; to trample”
[3] To Overthrow- “to defeat or remove someone from power, using force”
[4] See Esther 8:8.
[5] See Esther 3. An evil decree was made into law by God’s enemy for the destruction of God’s people.
[6] 7 Mountains of Societal Influence: Education, Government, Family, Religion, Business, Arts and Entertainment, Media
[7] Esther 8:8 “You yourselves write a decree concerning the Jews, as you please, in the king’s name, and seal it with the king’s signet ring; for whatever is written in the king’s name and sealed with the king’s signet ring, no one can revoke.”
[8] Esther 8:13 “A copy of the document was to be issued as a decree in every province and published for all people, so that the Jews would be ready on that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.”
[9] Esther 9:1 “On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them.”
Until next time...