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Tear on Jesus’ Face Over His Unfaithful Bride

While pressing in to the Presence of God as I worshiped Him, I asked if I could see His face….

At a certain point, I was eye to eye with Jesus and I saw a tear running down His cheek. I asked… what is that tear over?

He replied:

My Bride....

Much of My Bride is still living as a harlot. While many have woken up, there is still much of My Church that has not entered into the holiness required to become My pure spotless Bride. She is continuing to live life on her own terms, as she sees fit. She has many other lovers that have been placed ahead of Me. She prostitutes herself to the enemy’s lures of wealth, reputation, recognition, power, control, indulgent frivolity, false security, independence, domination – anything to satisfy the flesh. She has taken My Word and used it to say whatever she wants it to say; or even worse, she either does not know My Word or she completely disregards it.

That tear on My face is My heart breaking over My Bride’s unfaithfulness. That tear on My face is My heart breaking over what is required to wake her up and turn her back to Me in true repentance. She is like the harlot bride of Hosea[1]. She has sold her soul, and is as filthy rags standing before Me[2] – Her Husband/Redeemer.

My unfaithful Bride has not yet reached the point of complete desperation, in which she sees that I am her only hope; that I am her Only Redeemer. She is still enjoying her adulterous lifestyle of chasing after other idols, oblivious to where these choices have taken her. But her unfaithfulness is catching up with her.

My unfaithful Bride has chosen to listen to and agree with the deception and the twisting that the enemy has projected throughout the earthly airwaves; buying into the socially accepted demonic themes and mantras that are being screamed out across the earth. She is blind and deaf; and therefore, defenseless.

She has not discerned the deception that has twisted her thinking, because she has drifted far away from Me. By devoting herself – her affections, her desires, her intimacy, her priorities, her allegiance – to the things of the flesh and of the world, she has alienated herself from Me and cannot hear My voice. If she would turn back to Me and draw near to Me, she would again hear My voice as I pour out My love to her. In My presence, My Bride would once again discern the voice of Her Redeemer over the voice of the deceiver.

I have loved her with an everlasting love, but she has turned her back on Me and prostituted herself to other lovers that look shiny and feel good, but that are in reality manifest darkness. But like Hosea, I am standing before My Bride, prepared to redeem her[3] and bring her into everything I died on the Cross to give her – deliverance, salvation, wholeness of body and soul (mind, will, emotions), and a holy Kingdom destiny and purpose.

My tear is for what must be poured out in the fire and the shaking in order to get My Bride’s attention – to wake her up, to purify her, and to draw her into My arms. I wept when Lazarus died[4], because I felt the pain that his loved ones were experiencing in the moment. I felt what death had stolen. At the same time, I knew that I was about to raise him from the dead, and that then there would be a great celebration on earth, and in heaven, over his resurrected life.

I know this dichotomy now, as well. I cry over the coming hardships of this purifying, purging process of the fire and the shaking. But I joy in the fact that this will be followed by much jubilation in heaven and over the earth – as My Bride is awakened, My creation is purified, and the Great Harvest comes forth over all the earth.

I am GOOD and My ways are always GOOD. My love never ceases! I will do whatever it takes to redeem My Bride, cleanse My earth, and bring forth the Great Harvest of Souls – for My Great Glory.


[1] Read Hosea 1-3.


[2] Hosea 3:1 “Then the Lord said to [Hosea], ‘Go again, love a woman who is loved by a lover and is committing adultery… just like the love of the Lord for the children of Israel, who look to other gods and love the raisin cakes of the pagans.’”


[3] Hosea 3:2-3 “So I [Hosea] bought [my bride back] for myself for fifteen shekels of silver, and one and one-half homers of barley.  And I said to her, ‘You shall stay with me many days; you shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man—so, too, will I be toward you.’”


[4] See John 11:32-35.


Until next time....



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In the quiet moments of worship, Shari loves sitting in the presence of The Lord, listening attentively to His whispers. Her journal often becomes a canvas for the divine messages He imparts, which frequently encompass His vision for His Ecclesia, the region, America, and the nations.


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